Staying Intentional By Focusing On Daily Key Results

Learn how to be intentional in your day and boost your productivity using key results for your daily planning system.


Do you ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done; even though they are? As someone who juggles multiple responsibilities and personalities, from work, career, business and family to hobbies and personal projects, I know this feeling all too well. But over the years, I’ve learned that one of the most effective ways to stay on track and accomplish your goals is through writing out the key result you want to achieve for that day.

In this blog post, I’ll share my approach to planning my day and how it helps me stay intentional as the day goes by.

I’ll provide a practical approach for anyone looking to optimize their day, whether you’re a busy professional, a student with a packed schedule, or just someone who wants to make the most of their day, I hope that my experience and advice can help you achieve your objectives and design a more intentional lifestyle.

Starting Out

For years, I found that setting daily goals never seemed to work for me. I thought it was a reflection of my intelligence and work ethic. However, in 2021, something clicked for me when I realized that I could bring my experience with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from my career into my personal planning system. My bosses had previously commended my ability to draw out business strategies, leading to their recommendation that I become a Business Analyst.

Using KPIs, but in a simplified form, I implemented this idea into my planning system, and it has been working great so far. Instead of focusing on goals, I now focus on the key results I want to achieve for the day. By doing this, I have become more efficient with my time.

Understanding KPIs

In the context of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), a key result refers to a measurable outcome that contributes to the achievement of a specific goal or objective.

For example, if an organization’s goal is to increase sales revenue, a key result for this goal may be to increase the number of leads generated by 10 this week; this key result can be tracked and measured cause it is specific and measurable that help track progress towards achieving a particular goal or objective. By focusing on key results, organizations can prioritize their efforts, monitor their progress, and make adjustments as needed to improve performance and achieve their desired outcomes.

Now imagine, applying that to your daily planning system; for example, if your goal is to increase your income, you make sure you have one objective for the day and the key result you will tick off for that day.

This system is what I also apply to my yearly, quarterly, monthly, and weekly planning systems, but before embarking on this journey ask yourself this:

  • Do you want to plan your day before or on that day?

Read On The Blog: Daily Habit That Is Keeping Me Sane

The Next Step To Planing Your Day Intentionally

Settled down on the above answer, before you move to the next instruction; one piece of advice I want you to remember is that not every key result will be achieved, this could be due to time, network, electricity, people and chores to do.

From your weekly key results page, pick 2 key results you want to achieve from every area of your life for that week, an example below is of week 2 of February and the key result for the week:

Example With Key Result

Key Result in Area of LifeDay of the week
Get 2 members to sign up for the community
Talk to 2 of the community members
30 minutes of Excel class
30 minutes of Chinese practices
Sent 2 cold emails to prospective clients
Update the website about me by removing redundant words
Update the novellisteer airtable content
Engage with 5 community member
Write on the daily page with 500 words
Follow the morning routine by less than or equal to 4 steps
9 to 5
Get 5 members to sign up for the community
Talk to 5 of the community members
Publish 1 email via substack
Cold email 10 people to join the community
Set up a Notion dashboard that will help manage community activities
Get 3 members to sign up for the community
Talk to 3 of the community members
30 minutes of Excel class
30 minutes of Chinese practices
Update portfolio with 1 case study
Clean up 1 of the google doc to H5
Update 1 novellisteer old blog post to a conclusion
Write the business plan to 40%
Write on the daily page with 500 words
Follow the morning routine by less than or equal to 4 steps
Skill up
7 days of the Excel course on Coursera
7 days of Chinese practices
Read chapter 1 of building an anomaly detection
Update your catalogue with 2 new pieces of information
Cold email 5 people to join the community
Publish 1 email via substack
30 minutes of Excel class
30 minutes of Chinese practices
Set up the community discovery calendly calendar
Clean up 1 of the google doc to H5
Update 1 novellisteer old blog post to a conclusion
Write the business plan to 30%
Write on the daily page with 500 words
Follow the morning routine by less than or equal to 3 steps
Sent 2 prospective clients cold emails
Update portfolio with 1 case study
Clean up 2 of the google doc to H5 each
Update the website about me by removing redundant words
Set up the community discovery calendly calendar
Cold email 5 people to join the community
Sketch out the Notion Dashboard
30 minutes of Excel class
30 minutes of Chinese practices
Write on the daily page with 500 words
Follow the morning routine by less than or equal to 3 steps
Write a business plan for novellisteer
Update the novellisteer airtable content
Publish 1 blog post
Engage with 5 community member
Update 2 novellisteer old blog post
Create the Notion Dashboard to be 80% ready by next week
30 minutes of Excel class
30 minutes of Chinese practices
Read chapter 1 of building an anomaly detection
Write on the daily page with 500 words
Follow the morning routine by less than or equal to 4 steps
Write the daily page for 7 days
Morning routine follow for 7 days
30 minutes of Excel class
30 minutes of Chinese practices
Publish novellisteer blog post
Update your catalogue with 1 new piece of information
Write on the daily page with 500 words
Follow the morning routine by less than or equal to 5 steps
30 minutes of Excel class
30 minutes of Chinese practices
Update your catalogue with 1 new piece of information
Write on the daily page with 500 words
Follow the morning routine by less than or equal to 5 steps

The Tips To Staying Intentional

The table above is a quick example of what mine might look like if it was real, planning your day with key results instead of goals, can help to streamline your efforts, monitor your progress, and achieve better results.

Here are some steps you can follow to use key results to plan your day:

  1. Start by setting your top area of life: Before you can determine your key results, you need to have a clear idea of what area of life for the day are you going to work on. Write them down and use them to assign your key results.
  2. Identify the key results that will help you feel more intentional about that day: For each area of life, identify the specific outcomes that you want to achieve. What are the measurable results that will indicate that you have successfully completed that priority? These are your key results.
  3. Assign metrics to your key results: In order to track your progress, you need to assign specific metrics to each key result. For example, if one of your key results is to complete a report, you can assign the metric of “number of pages written” to that key result.
  4. Track your progress at the end of the day: Doing this will help you stay intentional about the next day, whether you need to switch things up for the next day and allow you to make adjustments as needed to ensure that you are on track to achieve your goals.

Final Thought

By setting a clear key result for the day, you can tick off some of your key results for the day and make progress towards your long-term goal. Of course, planning is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and what works for me might not work for everyone. But with the right mindset and strategies, anyone can design a daily planning system that suits their needs and preferences.

Whether you prefer using a paper planner, a digital tool, or a combination of both, the key is to stay committed, stay flexible, and stay motivated. By regularly reviewing your progress, adjusting your approach as needed, and celebrating your successes, you can create a daily planning routine that intentionally enhances your quality of life.

So, if you’re looking to optimize your daily routine and achieve more with less stress and effort, I encourage you to give this strategy a try. With a little bit of practice and persistence, I’m confident that you can join the ranks of those individuals who are living their best lives through intentional daily planning.

Chat With Me

Thanks for reading! I hope this blog post on using key results to plan your day has been helpful in you staying intentional about your day.

Now, I want to hear from you.

  • Have you tried using key results to plan your day?
  • If so, how has it worked for you?
  • Do you have any other tips or strategies for using key results in your daily planning?
  • I’d love to hear your thoughts and insights in the comments below.

Let’s continue the conversation and share our experiences to help each other become more intentional in our daily lives.

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